Is Creatine safe for Teens (August 2023)


Is creatine safe for teens

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Is creatine safe for teens? Many young athletes believe that taking creatine will help them gain muscle mass and improve their athletic prowess.

This substance is becoming increasingly popular among middle and high school males, but should they use it?

what the science has to say about this contentious issue.?

Here’s what you should know about creatine supplementation in teenagers.

What is creatine?

Creatine is an amino acid, which is one of the building blocks of proteins. Proteins, among other things, help form muscles and bones and heal damaged tissues. Creatine is a natural source of energy that aids in the flexing (contracting) of your skeletal muscles. It helps to maintain a consistent flow of energy in your muscles so they can continue to perform, especially while exercising.

About half of your body’s creatine supply (1 to 2 grams per day, roughly the size of 1 to 2 jellybeans) comes from your diet, particularly protein-rich meals like:

  • Red meat.
  • Seafood (Fish and shellfish)
  •  Animal milk (Cow, goat, and sheep milk)

The other half is produced naturally by your body in your liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

They transfer around 95% of the creatine to your skeletal muscles for usage during exercise. The remainder is sent to your heart, brain, and other structures.

Creatine supplements are also produced by manufacturers. Some people use creatine supplements because they train out often or may not get enough creatine in their diet. Creatine supplements are available in the following forms:

  • Powders.
  • Tablets
  • capsules etc.

Quick summary

  • Creatine is safe for teenagers because it boosts running speed and training responses while increasing workout capacity. 
  • Creatine promotes lean body mass and muscle strength as your adolescent grows.
  • Before beginning to take creatine supplements, teenagers should contact with their doctors.

Is creatine safe for teen athletes?

Regarding the absence of evidence on creatine use among teenagers and possible negative effects, high school athletes should avoid taking creatine or any other performance-enhancing substance.

Teen athletes should focus on setting up their Own workout and training schedule rather than depending on creatine and other substances.

One of the most serious issues is that minors may easily obtain creatine from physical stores and internet sellers.

In fact, a recent research found that health food stores are marketing creatine to youths, ignoring medical recommendations.

There are no regulations on their sale, so youngsters can purchase it without the knowledge or permission of a parent or guardian.

That is why parents should communicate to their young athletes about the hazards of using creatine.

If they truly are interested in increasing their creatine levels, they can get it through diet and animal products such as red meat, milk, and fish.

If the athletes do not consume meat, they need to look for vegan-friendly creatine supplements.

Benefits of Creatine Monohydrate

Numerous studies have repeatedly proven the beneficial effects of creatine supplementation in athletes.

  • Experts discovered that this sports nutrition supplement can boost muscular strength and lean body mass.
  • It has also been shown to boost running speed, exercise capacity, and training adaptations.
  • Creatine is also important for energy synthesis, especially for short-burst activity lasting less than 10 seconds.
  • It refills your body’s levels of ATP, an energy-transporting molecule used by muscles for movement.
  • It may increase performance by enhancing the stamina, energy, and muscular strength of its users during exercise by raising the storage of creatine (aka phosphocreatine) within the muscle.

For these reasons, creatine continues to be a major participant in the dietary supplement business.

Side effects of creatine in teen athletes

Although there has been a lot of research done to prove the advantages of taking a creatine supplement, the bulk of these studies were done on adults.

There has been relatively little research done on the safety and usefulness of creatine supplementation, as well as its long-term influence on young athletes.

  • However, there have been certain cases of liver and renal issues, as well as muscular cramps, stomach discomfort, and dehydration, related with creatine consumption.
  • Weight gain is another possible negative effect of creatine. This rise in body weight is caused by muscular water retention.

Many exercise pills have also been discovered to contain experimental stimulants and even prohibited drugs in order to increase their efficacy.

These ingredients can lead to major health issues such as high blood pressure and liver damage. is creatine safe for teens.

is creatine safe for teens.

Endnote on Creatine Supplementation for Teen Athletes

If your child wants to use performance-enhancing compounds, they should first consult with a doctor or a qualified sports nutritionist.

They may decide on their own that they are better off choosing the natural approach to attain muscle growth and optimum performance after learning about the potential hazards of using creatine supplements and the very minor advantage they may obtain in terms of body composition.

If they prefer to utilize these to augment their everyday activities, there are safe and high-quality creatine supplements they may use in their diet, in addition to regular training sessions and adequate rest. is creatine safe for teens.


In most of studies, creatine is well-tolerated by teenagers. some potential side effects may includes stomach upset, headache, cramping, water retention, dehydration etc. these side effects can minimize by stay hydrate and consume recommended dosage of creatine by Nutritionist.

Yes, if teenagers going through Kidney and liver issue, They should consult with the Doctors & well Certified nutritionists before consuming creatine.

Cycling creatine (using creatine for a certain time period then taking a break) is common practice, but it not be necessary for teenagers. consult a healthcare professional can provide  personalized guide on this matter.

Teens can consume creatine for enhancing their performance but after consulting their coach and any health professionals.

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